
Name Pehuén Moure
Label Machine Learning and Neuroscience Researcher
Summary Researcher at the intersection of machine learning and neuroscience, specializing in developing robust AI systems that generalize across domains: from neuroprosthetic control to multi-agent robotics. Passionate on translating theoretical advances into practical solutions, demonstrated through implementations at Amazon Robotics and interdisciplinary work in visual prostheses at ETH Zurich.


  • 2022.10 - Present
    PhD Candidate in Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
    ETH Zurich - Institute of Neuroinformatics
    • Developing novel deep learning approaches for controlling neural activity in visual prostheses
    • Created end-to-end optimization framework for prosthetic vision using spiking neural network
    • Built method for improving generalization in RL through regulation of Bayesian neural networks
    • Leading development on automated speech recognition tool for children with speech impairments
  • 2018.06 - 2021.10
    Data Scientist & Software Engineer
    Amazon Robotics
    • Utilized reinforcement learning policy techniques to improve sortation center throughput
    • Developed adaptive sampling evolutionary algorithm for optimizing fulfillment center maps
    • Designed and developed data compute engine and data lake using Elastic Map Reduce cluster
    • Simulated new robotic solutions and calculated impact at fulfillment centers
  • 2017.06 - 2017.08
    Strategy and Modeling Summer Analyst
    Morgan Stanley Quantitative Finance
    • Developed chat-bot assistant to facilitate traders' data processing using common language (NLP)
    • Implemented hierarchical clustering algorithm to automate trade recommendations
    • Conducted technical research for trade flow prediction based on client correlation algorithm
  • 2017.02 - 2018.05
    Chief Technology Officer
    Suna Breakfast
    • Built startup providing affordable breakfast delivery options to Cornell students
    • Directed a 20-person team in building React Native applications and backend in AWS


  • 2022.10 - Present
    ETH Zurich - Institute of Neuroinformatics
    Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
  • 2020.10 - 2022.05
    Masters of Science
    University of California Los Angeles
    Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • 2016.02 - 2018.08
    Bachelor of Science
    Cornell University
    Computer Science



  • 2019.09 - 2020.08
    Pediatric Oncology Research Assistant
    Dana Farber Cancer Institute
    • Developed pipeline for automating analysis of chip-seq and RNA-seq data
    • Interacted with team of scientists to build tools that speed up production of results


Machine Learning
Reinforcement Learning
Deep Neural Networks
Bayesian Neural Networks
Computer Vision
Software Engineering
Agile Development




  • 2024.01 - 2024.06
    Speech Recognition for Children with Speech Impairments
    Developed tool for improving speech recognition accuracy in children with speech impairments
    • Implemented Whisper model with bayesian mechanism to improve accuracy on small datasets
    • Coordinated team of 5 students to develop tool for real-time speech recognition
  • 2016.07 - 2018.08
    Autonomous Bicycle Project
    Co-founded and led software team for autonomous bicycle development
    • Built object avoidance system using SLAM algorithm in ROS with TX-1 and ZED stereo camera
    • Managed team of 12 students working to create centralized code structure across 4 sub-teams